The fields in which we lend our work are many, since there are many uses of pictorial decoration.
We primarily deal with pictorial restoration of antique furniture and objects. Our intervention is aimed at recreating a chromatic connection where the surface is worn or incomplete.

Also, in cases where the decoration has missing areas, it is reconstructed in shape and color, and, through patinas and aging, it is brought to a total uniformity between new and old.
The application of these materials and techniques is also used for:

  • ex-novo decoration on furniture and antiques.
  • decoration on furniture and objects reconstructed with ancient material.
  • decoration on furniture and objects built to perfection with new top quality woods.

As for wall painting, we perform classic paintings or restorations of pre-existing paintings, contemporary decorations and decorative panels.

Our philosophy

We are firmly convinced that beauty and above all harmony are the sum of stupendous imperfections skilfully juggled with each other.
The search for this natural condition of shapes, colors, new ideas, tradition is the basis of our work.
Bringing an ancient object back to vital splendor or creating new furnishing elements are always and in any case interventions aimed at the same purpose: to bring out the beauty imprisoned within each object.